Friday, 13 June 2014

Willington to Alrewas - Day 3

A fairly long day's boating; starting at Willington and mooring for the night at Alrewas. Beautiful weather, incredibly hot and sunny compared to the previous week.

Early morning, Willington

nb Romajech

nb Blue Adeline

"It takes a considerable amount of skill to handle a boat like that - that big and that long and that heavy", observed a tall man in a cowboy hat to his companion, as he watched Jan manoeuvre into a lock.  Two hirers from a boat following also complimented us on our lock skills as they offered to close the gates and let us go on our way.  Feeling good!

We stopped for lunch at Barton Water Park, mooring the boats just by the entrance and carrying chairs, table and provisions to the lakeside.  Passers-by commented on how relaxed we all looked with our beverages and sandwiches.  A passing terrier ate some dropped tomato slices and and man with two collies asked if we minded if they went for a swim, whereupon both dogs jumped in enthusiastically while the ducks kept a cautious distance.

A great crested grebe tormented us for about fifteen minutes as first Pete and then Jan tried to photograph him.  He was on the surface for about three seconds, resurfacing at completely different points each time.  The cormorant is pushing the poor grebe out of its hunting grounds, sadly.  Never did get a picture of him.

After a leisurely French-style lunch, we set off again through long stretches of canal with narrow locks - our first experience of these.

 Tatenhill - one of our first narrow locks

Some of the bridges are quite narrow

Narrow locks are much quicker and easier to operate than double ones, although they're a little more tricky to line up for going in. We removed all our side fenders, to avoid the dreadful fate of lockjaw.

Mike and Pete at Fradley

Going past a pub with about half a dozen boats moored outside, we saw a very smartly dressed man in pale pink shirt and and pale blue trousers sitting on the stern of a Black Prince hire boat.  It was John Sergeant.  We found out later, chatting to the boater behind, that he was making film about canals which will be broadcast on ITV next January.  Lester, who is both in the film helping the boat and is also a volunteer on the waterways said that John Sergeant is a lovely man.  Pete replied "Yes, but he's crap at dancing", which didn't go down too well.

The approach to Alrewas is a confusing landscape of water, raised walkways and a slightly scary weir which you have to go broadside to, rather close.  Alrewas itself appears on approach to be like an island with its first lock raised up on a stone platform.  It's a very pretty village with an excellent Chinese takeaway, where we bought our supper.  Beer, brandy too - an early start Friday is not going to happen!

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